Bougainvillea are an immensely showy, floriferous and hardy plant. Virtually pest-free and disease resistant, it rewards its owner with an abundance of color and vitality when it is well looked after.

White Bougainvillea

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What do Penn State football games & Miss Alice have in common?

Miss Alice and Penn State football games are well known for their ability to "white out".  Although, Penn State usually reserves its white-outs for the Ohio State Buckeyes, Miss Alice has no reservations.

Miss Alice is hands-down, one of our personal favorites. How often do you see the crisp and clean feeling of white bracts in landscaping? Not to often... picture a community entrance engulfed with Miss Alice; breath-taking.

She’s a giant-bract (meaning the white, flowering part is very large compared to other bougainvillea bracts), semi-dwarf, thorn-less (sort-of) variety due to her compact, slow-growing habit, and extremely low thorn count.

Pure white bracts pour out and can be enjoyed year-round, and can be maintained to stay bushy and low to the ground.  Her bright white bracts grow in large clusters and are very large, long, and elliptic.  Leaves are medium to dark green, long, and tapering to a point.

At full maturity, she's 2-3’ tall and wide. Although you can prune her to stay small and compact.

Miss Alice is a great candidate for xeriscaping, as with most bougainvillea variety, she requires minimal water once established. She's evergreen and flourishes year-round in the Southeastern U.S.